Our 30 years of success comes from our ability to keep our brand promise.
For us, it's about more than just the product. Truthfully, anyone can provide the products. What differentiates CMG is our experience, our reliability and our relationships - that help you keep your brand promise.
Here's how we do it.
Size & Location
We are proud to be in the top 50 of 23,000+ national suppliers of promotional merchandise - placing us in the upper 99.7% of an incredibly competitive industry.
We own and operate a 30,000 square foot facility in the Midwest, with sales offices in Grand Rapids, Pittsburgh, Atlanta, Washington DC, Los Angeles, Baltimore, St. Louis and Toronto. We have the physical space to process your orders with personal attention and the nationwide locations to efficiently handle your shipping needs.
Clients & Experience
Our approach to promotional marketing has won the approval and the business of many top brands: Volkswagen of America, Energizer®, Fox Networks, State Farm® and Domino's Pizza, to name a few. This diverse client base lets us borrow best practices and benchmarking from one industry to the next - to your benefit.
For a quarter of a century, we've been keeping our promises to our clients. You can trust us to keep your brand promise, too.
Visit us in person and see for yourself. Call us at (866) 458-1264 to find out how!